A major change in the staffing industry has been the rise of contingent staffing in recent years. With FWC contingent staffing, clients hire us to onboard a specific number of workers for a defined period. As in-house resources of FWC, the clients are not responsible for things like benefits or payroll taxes. The benefit of this is that you can reduce cost and avoid the hassles of traditional hiring.
Additionally, contingent staffing has the advantage of providing highly skilled workers. When a contract with FWC is acted upon, the clients can be very specific about the skills and experience they are hunting for. This can help the clients to find the perfect employees for thier needs, without having to wade through a lot of unqualified candidates.
Contingent staffing and Contract to hire (C2H) are two staffing arrangements that are often used among our clintele. Contingent staffing, we deploy an employee for a specific period of time, often for a specific project or task. Contract to hire (C2H), clients hires an employee with the intention of eventually hiring them full-time.
This type of staffing is often used by our clinteles that need extra help during busy times or when they have a project that needs to be completed. Contingent staffing can be a great option for our clients because it is cost-optimized than hiring a full-time employee.